Keeping you warm and comfortable
It’s all about keeping you warm, comfortable, and safe. New England winters can be brutal. Winter heating bills can often make the cold weather’s bite even worse. But staying warm shouldn’t be a choice. No one should have to choose between paying a heating bill and other living expenses.
That’s where Action Inc.’s Energy Services department can help.
Our Energy Services programs are designed to keep you comfortable in your own home and to save you money. We’re here to make sure accessing these programs is easy. All you need to do is contact us to apply or fill out this form to request more information.
Looking for resources across Massachusetts? This Cold Relief Brochure can tell you more about energy assistance programs throughout the state.
Energy Energy Services

Home Energy Assistance Program (HEAP)
Help with heating costs
Help with utility discounts and payment plans

Energy Efficiency
Home energy assessments
Upgrades for inefficient appliances

Having an impact in our community
“Action Inc.’s leadership is making a real difference, not only when it comes to public policy, but also in saving energy on a house by house basis.”
Bruce E. Tarr
Massachusetts Senate Minority Leader