Action Inc. is based in Gloucester, but our Energy Services department’s work extends far beyond Cape Ann. Action Inc. is the lead agency for National Grid’s Income-Eligible Single Family and Multi-Family Retrofit Programs, and our Multi-Family Program helps improve the energy efficiency of multi-family dwellings across the state.
Over the past three years, Action Inc. worked with Malden Housing Authority (MHA) to improve its nearly 1400 units of affordable housing – over half of which are set aside for elderly or disabled residents – through the Multi-Family Program.
Action Inc. provided extensive upgrades to MHA’s properties. Outdated heating and domestic hot water systems were replaced with state-of-the-art boilers that are 95-98% efficient, lighting systems were replaced at 33 buildings, and 682 energy efficient refrigerators were installed for MHA residents.
These upgrades have resulted in increased comfort, health, and safety for MHA residents. MHA staff said last winter was the first time in years that they did not receive complaints from residents who were cold in the winter.
But the biggest benefit of this program? All upgrades were provided free of charge to MHA.

– Steve Finn, Malden Housing Authority Executive Director
For a housing authority that operates on a limited budget, the benefits of the Multi-Family Program are huge. MHA lacks sufficient funding to cover the costs of upgrades and renovations. Through the Multi-Family Program, Action Inc. performed these upgrades for free – and the new energy efficient systems mean that MHA sees cost savings throughout the year.
In fact, energy savings are now subsidizing MHA’s operations. Thanks to their reduced energy costs, MHA was able to commit $175,000 to supportive services for seniors who live in their properties. “We are more energy efficient and can do better by our residents,” said Malden Housing Authority Executive Director Steve Finn. “It’s like Action Inc. has invested in everything we do.”
National Grid’s Low-Income Multi-Family Retrofit Program serves buildings with 5 or more units. If you are interested in applying for this program, please contact Brian Beote at or 978-283-2131.