Executive Director’s New Year Message

At the time of writing, our nation is facing great uncertainty. After a tumultuous 2020, the first days of 2021 have served to underscore the deep challenges that we face and must come together to overcome.

COVID-19 is still ravaging our communities, exacting a huge toll on all our lives, taking friends and family members, and upending our social and economic lives. Systemic racism continues to deny our friends and neighbors of color the same peace and opportunities that a lot of us take for granted. The housing affordability crisis we were already facing has been intensified by job loss and economic hardship. Hate, division, and lies are being preached by a small but powerful few who seek to turn us against our neighbors.

But through all this, and now more than ever, we must continue to have hope. We can take great pride in how our community has come together to respond to these challenges. Across Cape Ann we have seen people acting selflessly, choosing compassion and solidarity at a time when so many are facing crisis. We have seen ordinary people take extraordinary steps, coming together to make sure their neighbors can get a decent meal, can make the rent, can provide holiday gifts for their families. We have seen thousands of local residents reach into their pockets to support the dignity of those who need a helping hand.

At Action Inc., we have also been humbled by the support and collaboration of so many. We cannot thank our municipal, non-profit, and business partners enough for their incredible help in responding to these emerging crises. Whether it is has been protecting our neighbors experiencing homelessness, providing financial assistance for those in crisis, or supporting the countless ways we had to swing into action to respond to these emergencies, so many have done so much to support those in need.

Thanks to these partners and to the support of thousands of everyday residents, we have been able not just to maintain hope, but to be inspired to deepen our focus on our mission and our commitment to our community.

To all of you, in all the ways you have helped, I wish to say a sincere thank you.  As partners in this work, we expect to call on you again. The work of building resilient and equitable communities takes decades, and it takes the engaged efforts of thousands, committed to a fairer, more just society that protects and values ALL people.

Peggy Hegarty-Steck

Peggy is Action Inc.'s President and Executive Director