StoriesFinancial Empowerment

Whether you’re struggling to make ends meet, aiming to improve your credit score, or finding your way out of credit card debt, Action Inc.’s Financial Empowerment program helps empower clients to build a more secure financial future through workshops and one-on-one coaching.

Meet Barry Danaher, our Financial Empowerment Coordinator. Barry has extensive finance experience and a passion for independent financial coaching and helping individuals achieve both short-term and long-term financial goals. He offers two key financial empowerment courses, Money Matters, and a Car Buying Workshop, along with one -on-one financial coaching and other workshops throughout the year.

Money Matters covers banking basics, budgeting, money management, credit building, loans, identity theft, and home ownership. In 2021, 80 percent of participants saw improved credit scores, 80 percent reported an enhanced financial well-being, and 60 percent increased their net worth. Participants have praised the program for its effectiveness, “I think it just helped me realize that I am more than ready to take the steps necessary to move forward with my goal of achieving more financial freedom in this new chapter of my life.” Another participant remarked, “this is the most I have ever learned about finances, and although it felt overwhelming, when I took a hard look at everything, addressing these issues has not been the nightmare I believed it would be before taking this course.”

Action Inc. also partners with the Women’s Money Matters program which empowers women to improve their financial wellness through a combination of instructional workshops, peer support groups, and individual mentoring. We refer clients to the program and provide technical assistance through a Chromebook or use of our computer lab to attend the 13-week virtual program. This allows women to eat nutritiously on a budget, save for larger expenses, and protect themselves against fraud.

Action Inc. is dedicated to empowering individuals and making a meaningful impact on our community’s financial well-being. Let us help on your financial journey, and together, we can build a brighter financial future for all. Barry shares, “The best part is when you reach that outcome you were looking for and say, ‘Hey, I’m not as bad as I thought. I can manage this stuff. I can do it. I’m ready to go. I’ve done it, and I feel good about it!'”

To learn more about and view the courses available within our Financial Empowerment program, please visit our Financial Empowerment page. If you have any questions or need further assistance, please feel free to reach out to Barry directly via email at