Our Place Program Ends

The pandemic has had a major impact on so many aspects of our lives and, like many local businesses, some non-profits have scaled back services and experienced extended closures. To conform with federal, state and local guidance to stop the spread of the virus, Our Place, Cape Ann’s dedicated recovery safe space, had to close its doors in March 2020. The program relies on providing a physical space for participants to gather and participate in activities, and the prolonged closure has led to a lot uncertainty about the future of the program.

At the beginning of 2021, Action Inc. made the difficult decision to close the program permanently. Action Inc. and our community partners remain committed to providing support for all individuals dealing with substance use disorder, and we will continue to look for ways to bring resources to support programming to meet this vital need.

We would like to extend our sincere thanks to the range of partners who have been vital in the success of the Our Place Program, including the City of Gloucester, Wellspring, The Open Door, ONESTOP, St. John’s Episcopal Church, NAMI, The Writers’ Center, Bank Gloucester, and Happy Valley.

We would also like to thank all of the staff and volunteers whose commitment, compassion, and dedication made the program a success including, Nana Dunn, Mara Zellman, and Nancy Fisher.

Joe McEvoy

Joe McEvoy is Action Inc.'s Chief Strategy Officer.