Hiset student learning

Action Inc. Releases 2017 Annual Report

We are delighted to release our 2017 Annual Report, highlighting a successful year for the agency. You can access the report here.

Our Annual Report is an opportunity for us to update the community on the work we are doing across Cape Ann, and to thank our many partners and supporters. We are proud of what we have been able to achieve, but can only do it with the support of our wonderful community.

In this year’s Annual Report we highlight our Housing First Program and our Nurse Aide Training Program, and we share client stories showing the impact of our Client Services, COMPASS Youth Program, and Energy Efficiency work is in the community.

You can find more information about all of our programs and initiatives and read lots of stories right here on the website. If you have more questions, feel free to contact us.

It was an honor to serve our community in 2017 and we are excited for what we will be able to achieve in 2018!

Joe McEvoy

Joe is Action Inc.'s Director of Planning and Development